
Here are FAQ related to Aprelo

How can I sign in to aprelo?
Go to Aprelo sign-in panel https://app.aprelo.co/ insert your username/email in the given section, insert your password and click on the Sign In button.
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:13 AM
How can I reset my password?
Go to the Aprelo Sign In panel, and click on Forgot Password. insert your email in the given section and click on Reset Password. You will get a password re...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:14 AM
How can I get support help?
Go to the dashboard, you will find a Help button in the header section. When you click it, a dropdown will open in which you can see the Support Desk by cli...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:15 AM
Where can I watch training videos?
Go to the dashboard, you will find a Help button in the header section. When you click it, a dropdown will open in which you can see the Training video by c...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:15 AM
How can I update Profile details?
Go to the header section click on the right corner Profile icon, click on it and a dropdown will open. you will find my profile button on the dropdown. when...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:16 AM
Where can I logout my account?
Go to the header sections, and click on the right corner Profile icon. You will find the signout button click on this and you will be signed out.
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:17 AM
How can I create a script?
Go to dashboard. Click on Script on the header, and select NewScript from the dropdown. You will reach on New Script panel. insert your script title, choose...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:17 AM
How can I edit Script?
Go to dashboard. Click on Script on the header, and select my script from the dropdown. You will reach on my script panel. Where you can edit your desired s...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:18 AM
How can I delete a script?
Go to dashboard. Click on Script on the header, and select my script from the dropdown. You will reach on my script panel. Where you can delete your desired...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:19 AM
How can I download a script?
Go to dashboard. Click on Script on the header, and select my script from the dropdown. You will reach on my script panel. Where you can download your desir...
Mon, 30 May, 2022 at 11:20 AM